HR Resolutions for 2022.

 HR Resolutions for 2022.

These last two years have changed the way we work forever. They have also been the most challenging years ever for Human Resources, who had to put on a great many hats. From remote to hybrid settings, lockdowns, zoom fatigue, the talent reshuffle, and much more, Human Resources have played a core role in companies' success again this year.

In 2022, we are not likely to see much of a respite from these added responsibilities, but we can learn and come back stronger. 

In this first article of the year, we have compiled for you 10 suggested resolutions to put in place or develop to ensure success in 2022. 

1 - Focus on doing the basics well

No need to reinvent the wheel for 2022. Review what you already have in place and focus on the basics. Employees hamper delivery have become the new free fruit basket in the office, and that's great for the employee experience. But before that, you need to get the basics right. Are your employees fully equipped to work remotely? How are you supporting them in the work-life balance? What about their mental health? How do you ensure good two-way communication? Do leaders deliver on their promises? By focusing on the basics, you are proving to them that you invest in their priorities and that you put people first in your organisation. 

2 - Learn from 2021 challenges

The number of challenges the last year has brought for Human Resources is a high as the number of times we have heard "Do you hear me well?" in virtual meetings - insane.

In these very stressful times, we tend to act on things asap and check them out of the To-Do-List and move on to the next one. Let's take some time now to reflect on all the challenges we had in 2021 and draw out the learnings from them. For sure, there are plenty of new habits we can keep for 2022 and certainly many situations and decisions we can be proud of. Have you made some tough decisions that made you uncomfortable? Think of the positive outcomes of it today! Have you faced some challenges tougher than others? Think of how you could have done it differently. 2021 is not a year to forget, but a year to learn from.

3 - Develop a strong people strategy

All along with doing the basics right and reflecting on 2021 should come developing a strong people strategy. Nowadays, most companies have a business strategy. However, while this business strategy relies on people, we do not always develop a people strategy.  If people are our greatest asset, then we must ensure they are retained, engaged, developing, and invested in the success of the company. Do you have a strategy in place underpinning this?

If we want to reach our goals as a business, we need to create a culture that enables success.

4 - Measure Trust to improve Employee Engagement

When your employees feel that the company includes them in its growth, that's where the magic begins. Allow your employees the opportunity to speak up to find out what they think, where they think the company is going, and what part they have in that growth. Using a variety of tools such as surveys, focus groups, or 1:1 conversations, you can ensure that you are gathering a wide range of perspectives.

Once you have collected responses, make sure you communicate effectively. It's a great way to close the loop and make sure your employees feel valued, which in turn builds trust.

In an organisation with high trust, employees are more likely to give constructive and honest feedback. Feedback from the people at the heart of the strategy can help you identify where you can improve trust within your organisation. Building trust with your employees not only gives your company a competitive advantage but also increases employee retention.

5 - Support Employees through New Ways of Working 

In 2022, companies need to support their employees in overcoming the challenges posed by new ways of working and help them adapt to change. A healthy workplace culture that contributes to psychological well-being by providing a sense of camaraderie and collective purpose must be preserved.

From our experience working with clients who employ large numbers of remote workers, we know that over time it has been extremely difficult to separate work and life when working remotely. Supporting parenting and creating a family-friendly culture, onboarding new employees, or training and development should also be included in the work plan.

As Gandhi said, "Be the change you want to see". If you want your team to become more adaptable, you must first model this behaviour yourself.